On Tuesday, March 31, 2015 6:45 PM [GMT+1=CET], Scott Kitterman wrote:

> I've yet to see a proposal to include it which is both executable and
> doesn't defeat the purpose of DMARC. I agree it's a problem, but one
> that so far doesn't have an appropriate technical solution. 

What we don't have is a "socially appropriate" technical solution. But a 
"technically appropriate" technical solution yes there is: "Every resender[*] 
who invalidates the original Author's DKIM signature must take ownership of the 
Header-From and re-sign the message". Simple. Easy. But socially unacceptable 
(for now, at least) because of the expectations of several legacy mail usages.


[*] Given that said resenders are mostly non-human, but computer systems, they 
can be trivially programmed to behave in such a DMARC compatible way.


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