On Wed, Apr 1, 2015 at 11:11 AM, John Levine <jo...@taugh.com> wrote:

> Has anyone looked at my double signing draft?  The idea is the the
> original sender (which we'll call, oh, Yahoo) puts on a very weak
> signature probably only on From, Date, and Message-ID, with l=0 and a
> new tag that says the signature is only valid if the message is also
> signed by a specific other domain, call it ietf.org.  It probably also
> puts on an ordinary strong signature, too, and sends the message to a
> list forwarder such as dmarc@ietf.org.  The list does what it does,
> and signs the message normally with d=ietf.org.  That breaks the
> strong yahoo signature, but the weak one is now valid in combination
> with the normal ietf.org signature, so there's a valid d=yahoo
> signature and DMARC is happy.
> The forwarder could of course do naughty things, but only the specific
> forwarder to whom the message was sent, which greatly limits the scope
> of damage. It's even more limited in the common case that the original
> sender has a reasonably good idea who are likely to be the well
> behaved forwarders and only puts the weak signatures on mail sent to
> them.

Didn't we stalemate on the question of whether this has to be a whole new
header field, or a "v=" increase?  I seem to recall someone (Dave?)
thinking both were horrible.

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