On Apr 8, 2015, at 5:32 PM, John R Levine <jo...@taugh.com> wrote:

>> So why is DMARC any more useful than these "hacks"?
> Good question.  As originally intended, DMARC was for mail from sources where 
> a failure reliably meant phish.  Then AOL and Yahoo repurposed it to push 
> their support costs onto other people, and its value has been under debate 
> ever since.

Also a major reason that people who were dubious about SPF policy and extremely 
dubious about ADSP supported DMARC was that it has reporting and dry run 
functionality. Run it in p=none mode; use the reports to make sure that nothing 
breaks; if nothing breaks switch to p=reject.

I didn't think that anyone significant would skip the testing, reporting and 
decision making steps and leap directly to intentionally breaking email for 
their users their users' correspondents.


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