Douglas Otis writes:

 > Termnology:
 >  DKIM Siglet is a highly constrained DKIM signature omitting
 > elements likely altered by a mediator.

Please, no.  I agree that "weak signature" is inaccurate, but really
we have a "full-coverage" signature (whatever terminology you like)
signing pretty all originator header fields plus authentication fields
plus the whole body, versus anything less than that (especially but
not restricted to allowing additions to the body).  I suspect that
that is the "security-relevant" distinction, but that some originators
will be willing to take more risks than others (eg, using or avoiding
an l=<actual length> spec).  "Siglet" is way too constrained in your
definition; if we push for that, I think we'll have real trouble
convincing some of the managements.  Let's not embed that in the
terminology, but rather let the originators decide what's "strong" or
"full" enough for them.

It's possible that with Murray's signature-per-MIME-part technique we
could get finer distinctions, but that really requires support from
MUAs that I expect Emacs/Gnus will have a Day 0 implementation for,
while GMail and Outlook may never implement.  Ie, don't hold your

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