On Friday, March 18, 2016 12:17:40 PM Kouji Okada wrote:
> Thank you very much for your comments.
> Here I summarize and answer to the comments.
> First of all, I understand there are 3 topics we are discussing on the ML so
> far.
> 1. Virtual verification for "p=none" (step 1 on Roadmap)
> 2. Virtual verification for "p=quarantine and reject" (step 2, 3 on Roadmap)
> 3. Needs for documentation
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> 1. Virtual verification for "p=none" (step 1 on Roadmap)
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> [Points]
> - Discussion about step 1 on Roadmap
> - We can use PASS without DMARC record
>   - If there are no DMARC records for a domain, we can use PASS status.
> - Except for “PASS”, we don't need to any changes to DMARC.
>   - In case of no DMARC record, the Authentication-results code should be
> "none". (RFC7489 11.2)
> [Comments and Answers]
> -
> C.1-1 We should not verify the domains not ready for DMARC.
> “p=none” has no effect.
> A.1-1
> Even in the case of “p=none”, we can use the authentication-result of
> “PASS”. For example, visual notifications to display the reliabilities of
> received mails, or white lists.
> Senders not ready for DMARC are not ready for
> 1. receiving reports
> 2. negative verification results for the mails they send  ※ except none
> I think they are ready to be verified as “PASS”.
> Additionally, if DMARC must be opt-in, why does RFC 7489 define the
> authentication-results code in case of no DMARC record? (See 11.2 of RFC
> 7489)

Because that is how non-participant results are recorded.

> About SPF best guess, virtual DMARC verification does not “guess” anything
> while SPF Best Guess guesses originated IP addresses.

You are guessing that things like identifier alignment that are required to get 
a DMARC like pass are consistently available for a domain that has not opted 
into DMARC.  
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> - 2. Virtual verification for "p=quarantine and reject" (step 2, 3 on
> Roadmap)
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> -- [points]
> - problem of step 2 and 3(p=quarantine or p=reject)
> - default rua and ruf in step 2 and 3
> [Comments and Answers]
> -
> C.2-2 In the deployment steps of 2 and 3, they cause massive loss of
> legitimate mails without reports.
> A.2-2
> This is our 00 draft and we wrote about what we aim at for the future.
> I understand the deployment scenario needs to be discussed more in the DMARC
> communities, and we are ready to delete the deployment steps 2 and 3 from
> the document for now. Those steps might need more 10 years.
> However I think we should look ahead of the deployment after 5 or 10 years.
> I understand that the ultimate goal of DMARC is to defend mail users
> from malicious activities such as phishing or spoofing.
> Concerned with SPF, most of the operators still do not publish the SPF
> records with “-all”. When deployment steps 2 or 3 are applied,
> the operators who need the feedbacks just have to publish the DMARC records
> with “ruf” and “rua”. We could define the default value for those
> parameters (ruf, rua).

The mail flows associated with feedback reporting can be non-trivial.  It would 
not be appropriate to start providing feedback that is not requested.  A 
default report address would not be appropriate.

If DMARC turns out to be a good idea in the long run, people will adopt it, I 
don't think your steps 2 and 3 will be needed.  If in 5 - 10 years it turns 
out to be needed, then write another draft then.  There's no need to worry 
about it now.  The future is not that predictable.

> Because security technologies always have difficulties in their deployments,
> I think we should make plans for the future deployment.
> ---------------------------
> 3. Needs for documentation (and editorial issues)
> ---------------------------
> [Points]
> - Do we need standard document?
> [Comments and Answers]
> C.3-1 It’s an internal processing issue and should not be standardized.
> A.3-1
> I think we need some informational document
> about the procedure to add “DMARC=pass“ in the Authentication-Results
> without explicitly published DMARC records.
> The document may help operators who are trying to introduce DMARC capability
> to their MTAs as a current practice.

What you are proposing is not DMARC since the correct DMARC result for these 
domains is none.  What might be appropriate to standardize, is a name for this 
kind of check so that it can be distinguished between actual DMARC and the 
results associated with your proposal, although I don't particularly see the 
advantage to do so over just including the appropriate SPF or DKIM results.

> -
> C.3-2 In the last paragraph of Section 3, something may be missed.
> A.3-2
> I should have written this in the beginning of the paragraph.
> This was somehow lost in the editing.
> “When a DKIM verification passes utilizing the author domain signatures,”
> With this description, does the paragraph make sense?
> -
> C.3-3 Name.
> A.3-3
> What would you think is suitable for the name of this verification?
> Any suggestions are welcome.

I don't have any good ideas about a name, but I do think it's important that 
it be something other than DMARC since it's not done in accordance with the 
DMARC processing.

Scott K

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