There are a few different points here:

1.  The proposed activity falls perfectly under "track" 1:

> 1. Addressing the issues with indirect mail flows

If anyone disagrees with that, that should probably be discussed as a
distinct point, because I think it's obvious.

I concur.

2.  The constraint to "not develop additional mail authentication
technologies" has a scope limited to the second "track", which is:

> Reviewing and improving the base DMARC specification

Since the proposed activity does not directly touch any aspect of the
base DMARC specification, I again think that the INapplicability of the
text for track 2 is also obvious.

Agreed again.

3. Now we get to the difference between a track and a phase.  And to
state the issue is to state its resolution:  these are different
constructs, with different terminology.  As if they are meant to be
considered separately...

It never occured to me to think of the two as connected or cooresponding
or anything similar.

The first item in Phase II is:

>  Phase II:
> Specification of DMARC improvements to support indirect mail flows

And here's where I wish we'd phrased things a bit differently, although
I don't think the current wording is a show-stopper.

It probably would have help to clearly link this item to track 1.

The proposed work falls under this first item in phase II.

The catch is that the draft doesn't /say/ it's improving DMARC.  (In
fact, I've been quite vigorous in pressing to have the proposed spec
carefully not say much about DMARC.)  But really that's a
document-writing point, not a working group functional point.


That is, ARC's development has been specifically motivated to respond to
exactly this item in Phase II.

If we did sloppy specification-writing, we'd have written this as a part
of a DMARC enhancement.  Not the 'base', of course, but an enhancement.
The fact that it's been written as an independent component is so that
its use is not /limited/ to DMARC.  But again, that's merely a writing

So, my reading of the charter says that the proposed spec falls under
the first item of Phase two and the second sub-bullet of Track 1.

As does my own reading.


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