
ARC is motivated by a desire to deal with a class of DMARC failures. In that context, it can be seen as 'augmenting' DMARC, even though it is formally separate from DMARC. That is, ARC doesn't and shouldn't specify how ARC is used in a DMARC context. But there needs to be some understanding -- and I suspect a spec, somewhere, eventually -- that says how to integrate ARC into an engine that includes DMARC.

BTW, the DMARC spec uses the terms 'pass' and 'fail' with respect to the underlying authentication mechanisms of DKIM and SPF. It also uses it within the context of DMARC processing, itself, but it does not define what those terms mean, in that context. Beyond reference to DMARC 'policy' records, text in the specs that talk about processing DMARC policy is similarly implicit, rather than explicit. The only clear, explicit directive about DMARC outcomes seems to be Section 6.6.2 #6, Apply policy.

An example of possible confusion in the case of ARC: does DMARC still 'fail'? Yet the whole point of ARC is to create the possibility of still getting delivered, in spite of this.

So, were one to write something to augment the DMARC spec, in support of ARC, what are the kinds of text one ought to formulate and how should they be linked to the DMARC spec?


Dave Crocker
Brandenburg InternetWorking

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