There's now an open source implementation of ARC available for download if
anyone wants to try practice rather than theory, and you can be an integral
part of the experiment.  Here's the release announcement.


The Trusted Domain Project is pleased to announce the availability of the
first alpha release of OpenARC.

This has been in development for a long while.  Our thanks go out to the
open source community that's already contributing patches.  The generous
support of volunteers is always inspiring!  A particular shout-out goes to
Seth Blank and ValiMail, as they have spent a great deal of time doing
in-person brainstorming, hacking, and issue tracking with us as we made

Development has focused mainly on getting the library and filter to a very
basic operational level.  Users familiar with our other packages will see a
stark contrast between the feature set of our more mature packages and this
one.  Also missing here is documentation of the library.  Before we go to a
1.0.0 release, we intend to have full library documentation available for
application developers, and after a shakedown in these alpha releases, a
more robust (but still hopefully relatively constrained) set of features to
make this useful in a variety of production environments.  Suggestions for
these are welcome.

Pull requests and use of the issue trackers on GitHub are the best way to
get attention on your issues or support for your questions.  The mailing
lists are also available for general discussion.

The release link:

Again, thank you for your support!

-MSK, for TDP
dmarc mailing list

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