That is true, but it's also true that the standards track version of
EAI is fairly different from the experimental version, mostly by
leaving out a feature that didn't work in the field (downgrading.)

Does that mean going with "experimental" first was a good choice or bad
choice for them?

For EAI it was the right choice. They invented a brand new two-part address (Unicode and ASCII) and didn't know whether it would work in practice. The experiment showed that it didn't so we took it out of the standards track EAI.

For ARC I see two unknowns, a minor one about how to do algorithm rotation, and a major one whether its audit trail will be adequate to do un-DMARC-ing. For that last question I expect there could be one answer for mail systems large enough to have their own models of where all the mail comes from and a different answer for smaller systems.

John Levine,, Taughannock Networks, Trumansburg NY
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