It's been quite a while since my last full read-through of the spec, so apologies if I blunder into anything long-settled. And apologies if I'm repeating something from earlier commentary, I'm trying to get in under a very liberal interpretation of the deadline as is... ;)

Love the way Section 2 introduces and describes the basics.

Section 3.1 - I would suggest "the three header fields /from a particular Internet Mail Handler/ compose a single ARC Set." (Addition in /slashes/.) Best to be explicit that ARC sets are organized by (outdated term) ARC Intermediary. Or "Sealer," but that would be a forward reference... But without this, the reader might be left scratching their head until Section 5.1 makes it clear that an ARC Set is created by a single entity.

Section 4.2 - I would suggest "An `ARC Set` is a single collection of three ARC Headers (AAR, AMS, and AS) /from a single ARC Sealer/." Same reasoning as previous.

Section 4.3 - Typo, "AS header fields allow messages handlers" - "messages" should lose the trailing "s" (or I suppose it could be modified to "allow a message's handlers" if that's what was intended...)

Section 5.2 Step 1 -- Because of the preceding reference to maximum number of ARC Sets, rephrase for clarity at the end, "In the following algorithm, the /highest instance value ("i=") present in the ARC being processed is referred to as `N.`/"

That's it. Great work -- what a long way this has come since oar-dev started up in 2014!

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