In article <> 
you write:
>However I still feel like /requiring/ exact case is contrary to the idea 
>of "Be liberal in what you accept and conservative in what you send.".

Yup.  See

a/k/a "Postel was wrong".

>I don't see any security implications in accepting the following:
>dmarc-version = ("v" / "V") *WSP "=" *WSP ("D" / "d") ("M" / "m") ("A" / 
>"a") ("R" / "r") ("C" / "c") "1"

Please see the previous several dozen messages, particularly the one
about the brown M&M's.  If you know that someone didn't read the spec,
you can only guess what else they got wrong, and you're not doing
anyone a favor by doing that.

>I agree that this is contrary to the letter of the specification. 
>However I think it is completely within the spirit.  Especially when 
>dealing with DNS data which is inherently / invariable human entered.

Once again, please try not to assume that everyone's experience is the
same as yours.  On my DNS server, the DMARC records are generated
automatically when I add a new mail domain and their syntax is
correct.  (Or every DMARC record is wrong, but I would notice that
pretty soon.)  On the large systems which these days host most mail
it's hard to see how they could do it manually.


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