On Saturday, July 13, 2019 1:22:15 PM EDT Alessandro Vesely wrote:
> On Fri 12/Jul/2019 19:30:35 +0200 Scott Kitterman wrote:
> > On Thursday, July 11, 2019 6:07:50 AM EDT Alessandro Vesely wrote:
> >>> 2. If explicit call outs to ICANN/limited operator capacity to
> >>> implement are needed
> >> 
> >> Appendix B.1 lacks a criterion to establish enlisting.  Couldn't we
> >> require an explicit statement about seizing DMARC reports in, say, the
> >> delegation report?  Alternatively, that policy can be stated in a
> >> well-known place under the delegation services URL, so that
> >> registrants know what they do.
> > 
> > It's in the appendix because we don't have a clear path forward.  This is
> > part of the experiment.  We need to be careful though since different
> > PSDs operate under different authorities and controls, so there is a
> > point beyond which it's not the IETF that decides.
> I should have written more clearly the two issues.  One is the
> criterion.  I hypothesized that all what is needed to gran enlistment
> to a PSO is that its policy to seize DMARC at PSD level be published,
> so that registrant can learn about is before registering.  Is that
> correct?  I mean does a public statement suffice?
> The second issue is how to publish. In case the answer to the 1st
> question is yes, would https://PSO.tld/.well-known/dmarc-psd/policy do?

I don't think we want a novel policy record location for PSD.  We did discuss 
this and concluded _dmarc.PSD is appropriate to remain aligned to DMARC.

In my view the challenge around which PSDs receivers should check for a PSD 
DMARC record needs to be external to the PSD (i.e. not a self-assertion).  
Some options are presented in Appendix A.  If, as a result of the experiment, 
it's concluded that self-assertion is acceptable, then all that's needed is to 
publish the record.  I don't think we need a second place to look up to tell 
receivers to do the record lookup.

Scott K

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