On 9/29/2020 6:40 AM, Hector Santos wrote:
On 9/27/2020 11:44 PM, Dave Crocker wrote:
DKIM has a single signature binding requirement, the 5322.From
DMARC establishes the relationship.
I don't read it that way.

DKIM binds the signer d= domain and the from.domain with no enforcement on it nor any indication that they are related when they not the same (the missing link).

Absolutely not.  Please re-read the DKIM specification more carefully.  It is quite explicit that it is doing not doing this.

To the extent that you remain convinced of what you are claiming, you need to point to the documentation that supports that view.

But if they are the same domain, then they are viewed as self-signed and 100% related.

Not based on the DKIM specification.

To the extent that you remain convinced of what you are claiming, you need to point to the documentation that supports that view.


DKIM has no construct that qualifies as 'policy'.

To the extent that you remain convinced of what you are claiming, you need to point to the documentation that supports that view.


Dave Crocker
Brandenburg InternetWorking

dmarc mailing list

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