On Wed, Dec 9, 2020 at 10:09 AM Dave Crocker <dcroc...@gmail.com> wrote:

> It might be worth a bit of thinking about what, exactly, DMARC can
> reasonably do and how it should be summarized, for popular consumption:
> *Alignment - *DMARC defines a basis for authenticating use of the domain
> name in the rfc5322.From addr-spec.  (But nothing else in that header field
> or elsewhere in the message, neither header nor body.
> *Severity of unauthorized use - *DMARC provides a means of indicating to
> receivers how serious the domain owner considers unauthorized use of that
> domain name to be.
> *Reporting -* DMARC defines a mechanism for reporting DMARC-related
> activity by a receiver
> I've tried to state each of these precisely and accurately, in terms of
> real-world pragmatics.
These seem like a good starting point, but I'd have to quibble with
the "*unauthorized
use*"  situation. This situation devolves into use-as-imagined vs.
use-as-really-used when one considers various intermediary scenarios. Does
a domain owner really have the prerogative to define recipient behaviour as

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