On 12/28/20 10:05 AM, Seth Blank wrote:
We agreed to split aggregate and failure reporting into different documents, and this split was discussed on the list several times, as well as at IETF 108.

The intention was to split apart the key components that realistically get updated in different manners / at different cadences.

Aggregate reports and failure reports get used in wholly different manners, have fundamentally different use cases, are implemented in wildly different ways, and have completely different privacy and security considerations. Hence, we agreed they should be split into separate documents, so each can be concise, to the point, and independently updated.

Does that mean all of the reporting? So that DMARC is really ADSP-bis? The reporting is clearly a completely separate protocol from the policy mechanism, and is far more likely to mutate than the base policy mechanism which has changed very little from ADSP. I mean, as far as I can tell the main change from ADSP is to include spf too.


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