On Wed 30/Dec/2020 22:17:47 +0100 John R Levine wrote:
On Fri, 4 Dec 2020, John Levine wrote:
In article <0408ae98-e1c1-71fe-fdd4-8bc7a7c15...@tana.it> you write:
We would like to close this ticket by Dec 18, two weeks from now, so please get
on it.

The ticket originated from John's comment, in May 2019:

    Apropos recent discussions, we could recommend that failure reports be
    rate limited per recipient both to break loops and to deter indirect
    mail bombing.

I have never gotten enough failure reports that handling them was even
slightly inconvenient, and my addresses are on every spam list in the world.

Has anyone else?  If don't have evidence that this is a real problem, I'd just close the ticket.

The answer was apparently no, so I propose we close this with no change.

Closed already on 18th, see:


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