For indirect mail, the aligned
signature selector tells you where to look for the message origin. The last
hop information tells you where it ended up.

For direct messages, the last hop tells you whether it came from a third
party or internal server, and the aligned signature selector confirms the

In both cases,, verification is secondary, because it mostly indicates
whether the message was modified in transit.

Last hop and aligned selector still seems like a sufficient data set to me.

In fact, asking for extra signatures seems like a backhanded way of trying
to infer the original recipient, but supposedly the recipient is irrevant.

Remember that we are asking systems to collect data for others that they do
not need for themselves.   This is not the place to ask for the moon.

Maybe the massive organizations collect enough data so that the rest of us
do not need to participate.  If so, ask for anything, as the request will
probably not inconvenience them.

Doug Foster
dmarc mailing list

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