Hi Jan,

We have noticed similar issue with CNAME that is used by some of the vendors. However, we have not fully concluded if this is the issue of software as RFC stipulates that TXT records should be used.




On 02.03.2021 09:49, jbouwh wrote:
Hi all,
I am new to this list, and will give a short introduction to myself.
I work for the Dutch government as an IT architect. One of my goals is improving mail security. As Dutch government we commit to comply to SPF, DKIM, DMARC, DANE and IPv6 standards.
With this we are challenged to keep the technical environment manageable.
Some of our government IT partners use CNAME records to refer to DMARC templates, and we are planning to use the same technique. Using templates makes it more easy to maintain DNS records.

For private purposes I am running my own mail server using opendmarc together with postfix, amavis, spamassasin, opendkim and postfix-policyd-spf. During testing mail policies that where published using a CNAME, I noticed opendmarc is not handling the published policies, but is acting as if no policy was published. To address this issue I have submitted an issue to the opendmarc project.


My questions are:
-    Is it a common practice to use CNAME DNS record to reference DMARC templates? -    Is it a known issue opendmarc does not process the published policies when they are published using a CNAME? If this is caused due to a software bug, this could be a serious security issue.


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