Am 02.05.21 um 22:30 schrieb John Levine:
> It appears that Matthäus Wander <> said:
>> envelope_to allows you to automatically correlate these reports and
>> reconstruct the forwarding path. This helps to identify the culprit who
>> is breaking DKIM signatures, especially with longer forwarding chains.
>> Without envelope_to, reconstructing the mail flow requires guessing and
>> manual work.
> It is none of your business to whom I forward my mail.

True, unless you (generic you, not John L.) make it my business by complaining 
about not receiving my mail either in a
support request (which may cause quite some work) or in a public forum (which 
might damage my reputation and even cause
more work).

I am too often in a position of being requested to solve a problem but the 
requestors don't even provide the minimal
logging info or even error texts to even start analyzing their problem. In such 
cases I want to be able to look at as
much info as possible so as to provide a decent service.

I don't snoop on mail logging info to satisfy my curiosity or to increase my 
revenue, but to solve my user's problems.

Whether envelope_to would help my work isn't clear, but apparently it would 
help Matthäus in his work.


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