On Wed 18/Aug/2021 22:17:57 +0200 Todd Herr wrote:

The main update in this draft is removal of the "pct" tag, with an explanation as to why, and an introduction of the "t" tag in an effort to maintain the functionality provided today by "pct=0" and "pct=100".

As held earlier, I disagree with such gratuitous breaking of the existing installed base and published records.

It goes without saying that domains who are publishing pct=0 will slowly adapt by adding t=y and never removing pct. Those who publish pct=50 and are satisfied with it will have to give up, despite their own operational experience.

In any case, I object to the use of the Probability Mass Function as applied to Binomial Distributions argument. It presumes that the percentage in question refers to the number of messages sent during a given day, which was never specified. The spec said "Percentage of messages from the Domain Owner's *mail stream*". The random function applied to such stream is equivalent to computing a Monte Carlo integration on a finite set. Since *all samples* are eventually considered, the result tends to the exact value.


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