On Fri, Dec 3, 2021 at 10:38 AM Todd Herr <todd.herr=
40valimail....@dmarc.ietf.org> wrote:

> We can have this conversation too. I will promise, however, that if the
> group decides to keep 'pct', I will absolutely insist that the first
> sentence in its definition be changed. Somehow, RFC 7489 got released with
> this text:
>    pct:  (plain-text integer between 0 and 100, inclusive; OPTIONAL;
>       default is 100).  Percentage of messages from the Domain Owner's
>       mail stream to which the DMARC policy is to be applied.
> And I will go to my grave stating that DMARC policies cannot be applied to
> messages that pass DMARC authentication checks, and the definitions of
> 'quarantine' and 'reject' explicitly refer to messages that fail DMARC
> authentication checks.
> The sentence should read something like this:
> Percentage of messages using the Domain Owner's domain and failing DMARC
> authentication checks to which the DMARC policy is to be applied.
I'd be happy with either of these two definitions:

(a) All messages are subjected to DMARC checking, and "pct" identifies the
percentage of messages failing the check that should be subjected to the

(b) "pct" identifies the percentage of messages subjected to the DMARC
check, irrespective of the outcome.

So the dice-roll happens either before you start DMARC, or after you find a
"fail".  They're not the same thing, and (again if "pct" stays) we need to
be clear about which one people are expected to implement.

The original intent, as I recall, was (a).  We preferred that because if
you choose early on to exclude the message you're handling, you avoid all
that processing cost.

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