Which values were you thinking of reporting for the min/max/avg
statistics?  Some time delta value exceeding the "x="?  The DKIM delta
between "x=" values "t=" values?

Presumably this is to help report to the sender when their expiry value is
having trouble with some receiver/forwarder?

On Fri, Feb 17, 2023 at 11:02 AM Alessandro Vesely <ves...@tana.it> wrote:

> Hi,
> how to set DKIM expiration (x=) is being discussed in the DKIM WG.  Making
> educated guesses requires some data.  Aggregate reports are the right
> place for
> that.  For example:
>      <record>
>          <row>
>              <source_ip></source_ip>
>              <count>184</count>
>              <min>4</min>
>              <max>312</max>
>              <avg>21</avg>
>              <policy_evaluated>
>              ...
> Min, max and avg are functions present in almost all packages that deal
> with
> collections, from DBMSes to programming languages.  So adding them is just
> a
> few minutes more than what would be needed to upgrade to the new spec as
> it is now.
> I aired this idea in [ietf-dkim], and I'm looking forward to seeing the
> same
> reaction here.  However, what about messages from the dmarc list for the
> week
> ending Sun Feb 19 06:00:04 2023?
> Best
> Ale
> --
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