Those kinds of sender-side authorization schemes seem to be designed for ESP-like businesses, where a domain owner delegates Domain2 to send messages on its behalf. Using such schemes for mailing lists, thereby going down to per-user records sounds improper and bloats the amount of DNS stuff.

To address mailing list and forwarding for address portability, I'd rather devise receiver-side schemes, whereby the final receiver acknowledges that the email address of a user of its has been written to a file that produces mailing list of forwarding effects, while the author domain is not involved at all. A very rough idea here:


On Fri 21/Apr/2023 00:24:56 +0200 Douglas Foster wrote:
Murray's ATSP proposal ( <>) and Hector's DSAP proposal ( <>) have a similar goal:   Allow "Domain2" to send authenticated messages for "Domain1".
This is authorized when

  * the message is signed by "Domain2" and
  * a DNS entry in "Domain1" is configured to authorizes "Domain2" as a
    delegated signer.

(I will use RFC6541 as my primary reference because it seems to have avoided scaling problems.)

A mailbox account owner cannot benefit from these ideas because he needs the ability to define a user-authorizes-domain or user-authorizes-user relationship.   Consequently, we should extend the RFC 6541 design to support a subkey of the form:

Query sequence:

  * The initial query is for an ATSP policy at
    <hashed-domain>._atsp.<parent-domain>.  If it returns a result that
    authorizes the signatures, the search stops.
  * If the query returns NXDOMAIN, no further search is needed because the
    _users subkey does not exist.
  * Otherwise, a second query is performed for an ATSP policy at
    <hasheduser>._Users.<hashed-domain>._atsp .<parent-domain>.  If a valid
    result is found, the signature is also authorized.  T

The DNS entries for user-level authentication would be created automatically by the mailbox provider upon request from the user.

This approach gives the mailbox provider the ability to control which delegated domains are allowed.   If a third-party signer is badly behaved, the mailbox domain could remove all of its delegated signing entries and prevent new ones.  A potential downside is that the mailbox provider could use this power to limit third-party signing to its favorite sister companies or favorite business partners, possibly in exchange for payment or other favorable actions.

This approach is also a path forward for the mailing list problem.   If a user's domain implements user-level ATSP delegation of signing rights, each subscriber documents his participation in the mailing list by requesting a user-level delegation for the list server's domain.

The mailing list can easily check the ATSP entries for its subscribers to see if delegated signing authority has been granted.    The greater difficulty is knowing whether recipient domains implement support for the concept.  But the design does not require mailing lists to make any changes to benefit from the design, which has been a big obstacle to other concepts.

What are the objections?

Doug Foster


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