Ok, everyone, let’s take a rest here.

First: John’s message was not nice.  We can all agree on that.  So…

(1) John, please don’t send messages like that, even off list.  You can
clearly see why that’s good advice.

(2) Everyone other than John, please just accept John’s word — I do — that
sending it to the list was accidental, and that he did not mean to publicly
disparage or embarrass anyone.  What happened is regrettable.  Let’s be
bigger than the error and get past it.  Thanks.

Second: this whole thread is well beyond the scope of what the working
group is chartered to do.  I’ve let these sorts of discussions go because I
hoped they might lead us in a useful direction.  It’s become very clear
that they will not, and that they are just distractions that prevent us
from resolving the issues at hand and finishing the chartered work.


(1) Please stop this and related threads, and please avoid discussions that
are not in direct resolution of open issues.

(2) Be aware that the chairs will be getting aggressive about shutting down
out-of-scope discussions quickly.  I will put the mailing list on
moderation if necessary, which would mean that every post would need
approval before it’s posted to the list.  I’d rather not spend my time that
way; please don’t make it necessary.

Barry, as chair
dmarc mailing list

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