From my understanding, that would most likely result in a permerror code for evaluation, given that's not syntactically valid per the ABNF for the dmarc-record, see below where it only shows each tag once from section 6.4 <> in 7489.

In DMARCbis, I don't see this particular table in section 5.4 <>, but given the tags are all mentioned explicitly once in both ABNFs, it would imply they're expected only once in the record, otherwise, permerror; But I'll defer to the authors if that's correct.

dmarc-record    = dmarc-version dmarc-sep
                       [dmarc-sep dmarc-srequest]
                       [dmarc-sep dmarc-auri]
                       [dmarc-sep dmarc-furi]
                       [dmarc-sep dmarc-adkim]
                       [dmarc-sep dmarc-aspf]
                       [dmarc-sep dmarc-ainterval]
                       [dmarc-sep dmarc-fo]
                       [dmarc-sep dmarc-rfmt]
                       [dmarc-sep dmarc-percent]
                       ; components other than dmarc-version and
                       ; dmarc-request may appear in any order

- Mark Alley

On 7/24/2023 10:05 AM, OLIVIER HUREAU wrote:
I am wondering how a parser should behave when the record contains two identical tags.

i.e: 'v=DMARC1; p=none;;;'

While RFC 7489 and DMARC-bis state that any unknown tags must be ignored, I have not found any specifications about identical tags.

Should we take into consideration the first tag? The second? Both? or ignore both?


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