We had an opportunity to further review the DMARCbis changes more broadly
within Gmail.  While we don't see any blockers in the language in DMARCbis
version 28
<https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-dmarc-dmarcbis-28> and
can live with what is there, we wanted to briefly raise some concerns
around some of the changes.  Two points.

Regarding the languages in section 8.6 "It is therefore critical that
domains that host users who might post messages to mailing lists SHOULD NOT
publish p=reject.  Domains that choose to publish p=reject SHOULD implement
policies that their users not post to Internet mailing lists", we wanted to
point out that this is impossible to implement.  Many enterprises already
have "p=reject" policies.  Presumably those domains were subject to some
sort of spoofing which is why they went to such a strict policy.  It would
be unreasonable to tell them to stop posting to mailing lists as many
likely already use mailing list services and will want to continue to use
them.  The one thing that makes this tractable is the SHOULD language as we
may choose not to not follow this aspect of the specification.  Our
suggestion is that there is not a lot of value in including this language
in the bis document if the likely outcome is that it will be ignored, and
rather more effort should be placed with a technical solution for interop
with mailing lists.

We question the benefit versus the implementation effort and confusion of
deprecating the DMARC policy "pct" percentage mode and replacing it with
"t" test.  We do agree that there is benefit in having receivers support a
debug mode to enable DMARC deployment and that the test mode supports the
most useful use case for testing with indirect mailflow behavior.   However
"pct" represents a sunk cost and implementing test mode seems redundant to
the already existing "pct" percentage mode.  Moreover both modes will
likely need to be supported for a while.  We do see senders use "pct"
ratcheting and it will be confusing to them when at some point they will
have to switch.

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