On Thu 02/Nov/2023 12:17:30 +0100 Olivier Hureau wrote:
It is also related to one of the discussion I opened about duplicate tag : https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/dmarc/NAWZlMNnXt9m_MCvuou9IiYxSrA/ Murray pointed out that a parser is also supposed to follow the DKIM specifications. Finally, Alessandro proposed an expansion of the statement about DKIM specification in DMARC.

Thanks for recalling that. The first paragraph in Section 5.3 still refers to the whole DKIM document for the "tag-value" syntax. That vague reference is a real annoyance for readers who are not familiar with DKIM. Referring Section 3.2 of DKIM would allow readers to click the link, read those 39 lines of spec and get back where they left.


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