On Thu, Jan 11, 2024 at 11:51 AM Damien Alexandre <Damien.Alexandre=
40vadesecure....@dmarc.ietf.org> wrote:

> Hello,
> A question I have reading the RFC7489 and more precisely the part «6.6.1
> Extract Author Domain».
> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7489#section-6.6.1
> The RFC first states:
> "Messages bearing a single RFC5322.From field containing multiple
> addresses (and, thus, multiple domain names to be evaluated) are
> typically rejected because the sorts of mail normally protected by
> DMARC do not use this format;”
> And a few lines below:
> "The case of a syntactically valid multi-valued RFC5322.From field
> presents a particular challenge. The process in this case is to
> apply the DMARC check using each of those domains found in the
> RFC5322.From field as the Author Domain and apply the most strict
> policy selected among the checks that fail.”
> I find the two propositions quite contradictory and not sure which one
> should be applied.
DMARCbis has rewritten these sections and has text that you may find


Author Domain

The domain in the RFC5322.From header field is extracted as the domain to
be evaluated by DMARC. If the domain is a U-label, the domain name MUST be
converted to an A-label, as described in Section 2.3 of [RFC5890
for further processing.¶

If zero or more than one domain is extracted, then DMARC processing is not
possible and the process terminates. See Section 11.5
further discussion.


of DMARC Processing Attacks

The declaration in Section 5.7.1
elsewhere in this document that messages that do not contain precisely one
RFC5322.From domain are outside the scope of this document exposes an
attack vector that must be taken into consideration.

Because such messages are outside the scope of this document, an attacker
can craft messages with multiple RFC5322.From domains, including the
spoofed domain, in an effort to bypass DMARC validation and get the
fraudulent message to be displayed by the victim's MUA with the spoofed
domain successfully shown to the victim. In those cases where such messages
are not rejected due to other reasons (for example, many such messages
would violate RFC5322's requirement that there be precisely one From:
header), care must be taken by the receiving MTA to recognize such messages
as the threats they might be and handle them appropriately.



*Todd Herr * | Technical Director, Standards & Ecosystem
*e:* todd.h...@valimail.com
*p:* 703-220-4153
*m:* 703.220.4153

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