Seth Blank writes:
On Fri, Mar 1, 2024 at 6:00 PM John Levine <> wrote:

It appears that Todd Herr  <> said:
>Below please find the current text (rev -30) and my proposed replacement

It seems OK but I would say that at this point that mailto: URI are the
only ones currently defined.

Participating, to this point. Throwing out an idea, that may be
spectacularly bad:

mailto: is the only function that's ever been used. We even discussed
exploring other mechanisms, and consensus was to drop that exploration. I
can't find the ticket quickly, but I know it was covered early on during
the bis work.

Do we just want to dramatically simplify this, and throw the "mailto:"; into
the reporting ABNF and call it a day? It would dramatically streamline the

I may be dumb, but don't see the improvement:

A Mail Receiver MUST implement support for a "mailto:"; URI

A Mail Receiver MUST implement support for a URI

I'm not sure the format description is the right place for those normative statements. The text would become simpler if they are moved away.


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