On 11/25/2015 05:22 PM, Dapeng Liu wrote:
> Hello all,
> In IETF94, we initiated the call for adoption for the draft:
> draft-seite-dmm-rg-multihoming-02
> <http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-seite-dmm-rg-multihoming-02>:
> http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-seite-dmm-rg-multihoming-02
> Seems have got sufficient support during the meeting. We'd like to confirm
> the call for adoption in the mailing list for 2 weeks.
> Please send your opinion and comments to the list before December 9.

I am generally open to exploring multipath binding support for PMIPv6. I do 
have some comments on the content of the draft.

The example call flow in the draft is extremely confusing. Figure 1 shows LTE 
and DSL as the access technologies and I am assuming the CPE/RG is where the 
MAG functionality is going to reside. If this is the case, why is WLAN being 
shown like an uplink technology? Can you please clarify?

Also the term "hybrid access" is used in the draft without being defined. I 
think it would make sense to define it, refer to an existing definition, or 
reword. I am guessing lot of the confusion people are having regarding the 
relationship this has to BBF work is related to the use of this term.


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