
Thanks for the example.   A couple of notes.

I appears that in your proposed terminology for Descriptors and Actions it is 
not clear where Attribute Values appear.  Are they the Settings we’ve been 

To your proposal “For simplicity, I suggest that the Policy Keys enable access 
to the same policies throughout a Domain.”  I would point out that in the 
Naming section (usually Section 4.4 in many of the drafts) we note that the 
keys are universal to the tenant and analogous to the G-Key.   Thus, any Client 
signaling on behalf of the same tenant will use the same Policy keys.  If we 
want these keys to span multiple tenants the domain concept may be practical 
but we need to be clear about the scope (is it a G++ key ;) )?  Also, we can’t 
assume much higher order coordination.

As to you point about looking at multiple locations for Assigned vs. Embedded 
(dynamic) rules, it is a known issue.

The problem is lifecycle.  Dynamic Rules are typically signaled via special 
instructions in a mobility protocol or, more likely, using another interface.   
In our case we planned to place them in the Mobility Context just to ensure 
they disappear with the Context and the Policy subtree does not contain Rules 
that can come/go quickly and quickly increases the size of the Policy Set (it 
will be the size of all policies in the system).   If we put it in the Policy 
tree we now have housekeeping of Rule deletion in the Policy tree.  It’s a 
tradeoff.   We noticed that using only the Policy Set (no embedded Rule 
concept) was tough on the over the wire operations.  For example we needed 
either 2 operations, specific order processing (policies before context) for 
operations and coordination between people working on static policy and the 
mobility protocol (which is what ultimately killed the design as humans and 
call processing operate at two different speeds).  The other issue was that a 
lot of create/delete on a large index was not performing well in the DPN or SDN 

It’s always tradeoffs. For the DPN it knows it needs more work for the Embedded 
(Context) Rule.  The Agent / Client are responsible for installing the pre 
configured policy on the DPN so that it no blocking occurs when an Assigned 
Policy is referenced in a Context.

From: dmm [] On Behalf Of Charlie Perkins
Sent: Sunday, January 28, 2018 11:04 AM
Subject: [DMM] Policy in the FPC draft - definitions, context transfer, keys, 
indexing, etc.

Hello folks,

Policy seems always to be complicated.  I wrote up a scenario that, I think, 
captures many of the complications and relevant areas of application.  I also 
think the explanations about policy management as used in the scenario mostly 
represent the intention of the text currently in the FPC draft.  If the 
description about how policy is managed for the handover scenario is 
appropriate, I would like to use it and carry out a slight reorganization of 
the descriptions in the draft.

Charlie P.


Example for mobile node movement from DPN-1 to DPN-2.

MN has two flows:

  *       = F1: best effort traffic
  *       = F2: voice call

When MN attaches to the access network of DPN-1, DPN-1 constructs a Mobility 
Context for MN.  It has the following (say, at network entry):

  *       = MN's IP address (MN_IP)
  *       = Policy X for F1
  *       = Policy Y for F2
  *       = other stuff (charging ID, current remaining credit, ...)

When MN moves to the access network of DPN-2, DPN-2 should receive the Mobility 
Context for MN from DPN-1, and make the necessary modifications so that the 
Mobility Context for MN is parameterized for operation with DPN-2.

Suppose that for this example, DPN-1 routes all traffic to/from MN through a 
common gateway G-11.  Also suppose that FPC Client has installed two policies 
on both DPN-1 and DPN-2 -- one for best effort traffic, one for voice.

Then DPN-1 might store in the Mobility Context for MN the following rules:

  *       = R1: If (packet belongs to flow F1), then route through G11
  *       = R2: If (packet belongs to flow F2), then route through G11
  *       = R3: Else, drop

In simplest terms, at DPN-1 don't support any fancy applications, and route all 
packets through G11.  Observe that the actual rules would certainly be 
different, but I think this is sufficient for the example.  As this description 
of the scenario proceeds, the need for other policies will be considered.

How did rules R1, R2, and R3 get installed on DPN-1?  Presumably the FPC Client 
has a list of policies that are supported in the Domain (i.e., operator's 
network).  One policy (X) could be called "Handling-Best-Effort" with 
Policy-Key P-12 and the other policy (Y) could be called "Handling-Voice" with 
Policy-Key P-37.  Keys P-12 and P-37 are unique within the namespace available 
to the FPC-Client for data-plane nodes in its Domain.

When MN registers at DPN-1, DPN-1 should already have policies P-12 and P-37 
available for insertion into MN's mobility context.  Let's say that these two 
policies are in the set of Assigned Policies at DPN-1 and DPN-2, and that the 
FPC client configures those policies at the time the data-plane topology is 
established that contains DPN-1 and DPN-2.  The FPC Client might have more 
policies that are pertinent to all flows on the mobile node, and when a mobile 
node registers at a DPN, the DPN process determines which of those policies are 
associated with a particular mobile node, according to the flow information 
that is provided during registration.  For our mobile node, suppose that policy 
P-51 applies to every flow on the mobile node.

There might be some other policies that are applied for traffic to/from every 
mobile node, regardless of the specific credentials or flows supported on that 
mobile node.  These might be Domain policies, or they might be configured only 
for a particular Interface Group, or both.  Domain policies might pertain to a 
particular class of mobile nodes, such as visitors from another specific 
domain.  This is a matter for discussion.

There might be another category of policies that are DPN-specific.  Such 
policies would apply to every Mobility Context resident on a particular DPN, 
regardless of the particular mobile node.  But another DPN might not have any 
of the policies of the first DPN, or only some of them.  Let's call those DPN 

Back to the scenario where the MN moves from DPN-1 to DPN-2.  Suppose that the 
mobility management system wants to do a smooth handover, and that this 
requires transferring MN's Mobility Context from DPN-1 to DPN-2.  Suppose that 
on DPN-1 there are DPN-specific policies P-40 and P-41 that apply to the mobile 
node, and Domain policies P-50 and P-52.

This depends on how the policy rules are stored on DPN-1.  Here is one 

  *       = DPN-specific policies are not transferred with the Mobility Context
  *       = Domain policy keys P-50 and P-52 COULD be transferred, or we could 
specify that DPN-2 determines what Domain policies apply even though we would 
expect them to be the same policies.
  *       = MN-specific policy key P-51 is transferred
  *       = Flow-specific policy keys P-12 and P-37 are transferred.

In this formulation, the Mobility Context transfer has to carry the Key 
information for the relevant policies, but not the full policy definitions.  
For that to work, DPN-2 has to be able to locate each Policy definition by 
using only its Policy key.  To insure that will work, we might as well specify 
that all of the policy keys are based on a Domain-wide indexed set of policy 
definitions.  Each of the policies that are likely to be needed at a DPN would 
be preconfigured at the DPN, and accessible by the Policy Key.  I think this is 
the intention of the collection of Assigned Policies that is mentioned in the 
current draft.  The Assigned Policies could reside on the DPN, and not part of 
any particular Mobility Context.  The process of preconfiguring the Policies on 
the the DPN should include copying over all the necessary Rule information 
(Descriptors and Actions) to the local memory of the DPN, and applying 
DPN-specific Descriptor Values and Action Values as appropriate at the DPN upon 
which the policies are being preconfigured.

Given such a Domain-wide indexed set of Policies and this method of 
preconfiguration, DPN-2 is almost able to establish the Mobility Context for 
mobile node MN as part of the smooth transfer.  But there are likely to be some 
mobile-node specific Attribute Values for some of the Descriptor or Action 
attributes of policies P-51, P-12, and P-37.  Depending on the formulation, 
even Domain policies P-50 and P-52 (as copied into the local memory of DPN-2) 
might require that some such Attribute values be updated upon arrival of the 
mobile node MN (e.g., MN's IP address).

Consequently, as part of the transfer process for the Mobility Context from 
DPN-1 to DPN-2, DPN-1 might have to supply some attribute values so that DPN-2 
can properly instantiate the rules of the applicable Policies.

DPN-2 might determine that flow F1 goes to gateway G21, and flow F2 goes to 
voice interface gateway G22.  These Action treatments are different than what 
was appropriate for DPN-1.  They are not Domain policies, but they might be 
Interface-Group policies or DPN-specific policies or even mobile-node-specific 
policies.  In any case, we would like to have it that all of the policy 
definitions are already available on DPN-2 (say, as installed in the list of 
Assigned Policies at DPN-2) and accessible using the same Policy Keys 
transferred from DPN-1 as part of the Mobility Context Transfer.  When DPN-2 
accesses the applicable policies, it also extracts any Attribute Values from 
the context-transfer message and uses them to complete the instantiation (or, 
"embedding"?) of all the Policy rules so that the traffic to/from the mobile 
node can be properly controlled.  In this way, Assigned Policies become 
Requested Policies (or, "embedded"?), using the terminology of the draft.  But 
I think it might be better to have a different name for this.

I have elaborated this handover scenario as a way of understanding the various 
kinds of policies, and where they reside when they are used.  For simplicity, I 
suggest that the Policy Keys enable access to the same policies throughout a 
Domain.  That way, the formulation of an Indexed Set makes good sense and seems 
to be reasonably manageable at the Domain level.

There is a tradeoff between the number of Policies in the Set, versus the level 
of generality of the Policy definition.  The more general the definition, the 
more Attribute values have to be filled in whenever the policy definition is 
used within the Mobility Context (or elsewhere).  Since we are designing 
data-plane Information Models for mobility management, we may find that *all* 
applicable policies should be represented as part of the Mobility Context for a 
mobile node, even though many such policies would NOT be mobile-node-specific.  
Alternatively, each DPN would apply some policies to all traffic, and then 
after that the DPN would apply policies that depend on the particular mobile 
node.  The second alternative would imply that the DPN has two places to look 
for applicable policies.  But still we could specify that all such policies 
have definitions in a Domain-wide indexed set and have the same Policy Keys.  
In the example handover I used above, the flows had Policy Keys P-12 and P-37.  
Flow F2 has the same Descriptors at both DPN-1 and DPN-2, but the Action for 
flow F2 was different at DPN-2 than it was at DPN-1.  We might instead decide 
that modifying the Action to have a different Gateway is not natural, and would 
instead apply a new Policy Key to flow F2 at DPN-2.  In my mind, it is easier 
for the purposes of context transfer to have the same Policy but new Action 
attribute values.  Or, we could conceivably transfer Descriptor Keys instead of 
Policy Keys, since a flow is able to be described by using Descriptors.

If there are several FPC-Clients that have access to the same data-plane, then 
we will have to be very careful to avoid conflicts.  But at least I think we 
would have to mandate that they all use the same Policy Keys, in order to avoid 

Also, for each Policy Key, the referenced policy lives in various "states":

  *       = In the Indexed Set, the Policy Key determines a Policy definition
  *       = In the Assigned Policies on a DPN, the Policy Key allows reference 
to a partially instantiated policy
  *       = After specialization for a particular mobile node and its flows, 
the Policy Key refers to a fully instantiated (?"embedded"?) policy.

Maybe we could put a similar example in an Appendix.


PS. Did I ever mention that I thought Policy stuff is complicated?


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