Dear developpers and maintainers, please continue providing us with applications written in the language you prefer.

I have personnal feelings about which languages are productive and produce bug-free software and which, in the contrary let you waste your time in correcting your bugs and eventually produce wrong result without people even noticing. But I am afraid this leads to endless discussions.

The choice of the language is yours and is absolutely respectable. And I am immensely gratefull to you for giving the result of your work to the community whatever the language.

Just the following restriction: please, when your piece of software is first of all an API, like dbus is, let it be not too much language-oriented. I mean don't force other programmers to think like you, or, worse, don't make the API only usable by applications written in one language.


Le 12/02/2015 22:36, Hendrik Boom a écrit :
On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 09:54:05PM +0100, Didier Kryn wrote:
         Hey Guys, I would love to have a dispute about languages, but I
     don't think it's in the scope of this mailing list. Do you? Excuse
     me for having fed it.
Off topic?  That's already been established, in a thread about what
scripting lannguage to use for Devuan.  The conclusion there we
use whatever the scripts were already written in on Debian, rather than
rewriting everything.

But I think it is still useful to point out excellent, little-known
languages that might make programming a lot more reliable yet still

There aren't many of those, and some of the best are not well known.

I'd still recommend Modula 3 (except for its bulky syntax) and ocaml
(on a machine where it runs as native code).

And I think Styx (used in the Inferno project, a successor to plan 9)
is worth a mention, though I have no experiennce with it.

And would you mind posting in straight Unicode, or even ASCII,
but without HTML tags?

-- hendrik
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