Le 20/02/2015 13:48, Martijn Dekkers a écrit :
I would say +1 for everything that is written with this e-mail and above. However, there's one thing here,
there are more people running servers than people running linux on their desktops, so IMHO devuan should first focus on the servers. 

I strongly believe that if we manage to pull together a kick-ass, up-to-date, and rock-solid server build that does not require systemd, we will see serious uptake from many, many users.

    Guys, I don't think there is contradiction between server and desktop. There is a difference in the user base and installed applications, not in the OS. dbus and udev/eudev/mdev/vdev/ are just useful services which make life easier if they are not poeterized, but could remain optional. I think most desktop users expect these services, but they understand it is not the top priority of the devs.

    By do-it-all desktops, I was targetting Gnome and KDE, not Xfce. It is too bad that xfce4 is now contaminated, But in my installed Wheezy servers and desktop, it is not. I've no complaint against it. Is there anything new in the Jessie version, appart from infection?

    Concerning dbus, there is a need for publisher/subscriber communication on the desktop. But I wonder why people have developped dbus instead of using a ready-made, well-tested, lightweight, language-agnostic middleware? Yes it exsts; there's at least one, ZeroMQ.

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