On Thu, Feb 26, 2015 at 12:43:50PM -0500, Hendrik Boom wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 26, 2015 at 12:19:05PM -0500, etech3 wrote:
> > +1 hendrik
> > 
> > May I suggest some timeline milestones here (which I know is around
> > to the Devs). I for one would look forword to a working base install
> > with no DE. That could be a alpha 0.XX milestone.
> Do you meen no X?  no window manager?  or just no fancy desktop?
> Initally I would be happy with X and a minimal window manager.  Worked 
> that way in the 80's.  Could work that way again.

Most of what I do can be done in a few xterms on screen.  Of course it 
should nowadays be a few unicode xterms rather than the old ASCII 
xterms, but that's feasible nowadays.

-- hendrik
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