On Thu 09 April 2015 08:58:00 Renaud OLGIATI wrote:
> Drawback: If a discussion starts on Non-Technical about modification of the
> Technical list (eg: moving the format to a forum) those who only read the
> Technical list will not know about the proposed change...

Which is not a drawback but exactly how it's supposed to be. When any proposal 
for change reaped sufficiently to actually make a decision, the ML being 
to such change will receive a note about such decision making process pending 
(though you don't seriously assume that users reading both ML wouldn't spread 
the word in the ML that's subject to change). Until then the topic is off topic 
for the dev ML and no user of that dev ML will complain.

But the whole topic is already moot. Jaromil explained that there's already a 
dev-ML and that it's closed (guess why ;-D ) and so the "segregation of 
developers" you try to avoid is already an established fact. Nevertheless this 
whole "segregation" thing is nonsense since you can't force devels to read a 
noisy irrelevant ML, no matter what you do. Multiple ML are about keeping stuff 
on topic in each of them. Nobody can guarantee any devel will read a single 
post in any of them. But chances they do are the higher the better the S/N 
ratio aka "on-topic".


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