
On Fri, 10 Apr 2015, Brad Campbell wrote:

> On 09/04/15 23:56, Laurent Bercot wrote:
> >On 09/04/2015 10:37, Jaromil wrote:
> >>a -Dev list is there already, just not public and invite only.
> >
> >  That's really a shame, because I would love to have access to that list -
> >even read-only. Isn't it possible to open subscriptions while keeping
> >posts moderated ? (posts from devs would be auto-approved, of course)
> >
> This +1. I don't need to post, and in fact it's probably better if I
> don't, but I actually *really* want to see what is going on under
> the bonnet. I joined the dng list for probably the same reasons
> everyone else did. I want to *use* what is produced and even
> possibly contribute (bug reports and patches I suppose are my
> limits). I do understand the technical components, and I don't want
> to ask user level questions.

thanks for your interest and for believing this project is worth looking
at. I think it will not delude you.

however, there is much less going on via mail, than via git. if you want
to follow up then subscribe to https://git.devuan.org and follow the
updates. in particular:

all projects in this group, the base packages we are modifying

the repository software Nextime is writing, amprolla

the SDK I'm developing, used for package maintainance and to bake isos and vms

the patches to jenkins-debian-glue by Nextime
today included upstream! in case this is used by Debian Jessie
then we can officially say that Debian is already using and benefitting
from our development ;^)

the releasebot triggering builds from gitlab to jenkins

the Vdev repository by Jude

> I will say I'm completely disillusioned by the quantity of
> pontificating and bike-shedding that seems to dominate this list and
> I'd love to read a list with actual technical substance.

the latest news to celebrate about: we have a CI that succesfully builds
packages now also for the following platforms armel, armhs, sparc, mips,
mipsel, ppc, ppc64, arm64, s390x, m68k (recently announced by nextime on

> Don't lock us out. Moderate us, or create a read-only gateway, but
> don't isolate us. Please.

this is what we can do atm. if you have time, then please activate
yourself and help! we need someone to gather news like DWN was doing

developers are at full capacity and cannot commit to more than this.
bikeshedding at this point is simply ignored.


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