On 13/04/15 20:41, fsmithred wrote:
Hi Richard,

I'm pretty sure David used a refracta jessie-sysv iso and built on that
All the refracta jessie-sysv builds started as a standard-system wheezy
installation, then pinned "*systemd*" to -1 (do not install anything with
systemd anywhere in its name) and pinned libpulse0 and dbus to wheezy
versions before dist-upgrading to jessie. So there was never any
systemd-shim or systemd or libsystemd or any package at all with systemd
in its name. (Well, in the package name, anyway - udev package is "udev",
but it shows up as "systemd-udev" in places.

David replaced the wheezy packages and added nosystemd packages and other
stuff and made it all generally more usable than it was. I can't give you
any more details.


That is actually pretty much all what I did on my notebook and 2 VPS'. That is to pin everything with "*systemd*" to -1, and anything related to that like systemd-shim, systemd-sysv, init-system-helpers, etc. My notebook and 2 VPS' are all using packages from wheezy and wheezy-backports now. For instance, I use libpulse0 from wheezy-backports (4.0-6~bpo7+1) and udev from wheezy (175-7.2). However, for dbus I had to re-compile the source from http://angband.pl/debian/ (1.8.16-1), as otherwise I had to use dbus 1.2.24-4 from squeeze repository (quite old) because dbus 1.6.8-1 on wheezy depends on libsystemd-login0.

When I posted my setup last month in this mailing list, I had packages from mixed repositories including from jessie. That was mainly because I wanted to use XFCE 4.10 on my notebook and I used the same set of packages also on my VPS' for easy comparison. But after that, I thought before switching to Devuan, it would be safer to use packages from wheezy and wheezy-backports so I downgraded all. But even after that, some time packages from wheezy or wheezy-backports still create files on /etc/systemd and /lib/systemd when I install them. So I have to manually remove those directories.



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