On Fri, Aug 14, 2015 at 01:59:32PM +0100, Simon Hobson wrote:
> As an example, I tried to upgrade one of my Wheezy systems to Jessie with 
> *systemd* pinned as not installable. It took a bit of messing around figuring 
> out what the broken dependencies were, and in the end I only had ONE single 
> package that I needed and which wouldn't install - clamav-daemon (the other 
> clamav* packages were fine, just not that individual one). In response to my 
> messages on the clamav mailing list and bug report, it turns out that they 
> only make ONE call to libsystemd during startup and then never use it again, 
> and it's not even an essential call - but no, it would be a "waste of CPU 
> cycles" to do a "if exists libsystemd0 then call ..." I assume it's not 
> considered a waste of cycles to maintain a separate package for Wheezy 
> security updates !

Good evening,

It's true, that's a waste, although very small, to add an if structure.
Remains a weak argument: not being clamav a Go project, it has for sure a 
badly optimized, on the buiding side, codebase, so a config macro and an 
#ifdef SYSTEMD_EXISTS around the call surely doesn't waste anything valuable.

Teodoro Santoni

Something is wrong. I don't wanna compile 20 KB of Go code to list files.
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