
On 08/22/2015 09:18 PM, Laurent Bercot wrote:
On 22/08/2015 17:20, Timo Buhrmester wrote:
[...] the fact that these days, MTAs behind dynamic IPs are
>> automatically suspicious.

  Well, it always helps to make the list host aware that list services
that use PBL are not a good idea, and serve the interests that are
exactly opposite to the Devuan philosophy. I'm not letting ISPs
take over users' freedom to host their own MTAs, and you should not
either. :P

I agree with Laurent, the RCVD_IN_DYNABLOCK rule weight should
be lowered below treshhold, because

1. it's incorrect to mark a mail as spam solely based on this
   criterion, because a significant portion of internet users are
   in dynablocks, and not all of them are spammers;

2. the list already has moderation in place for off-list mails,
   so why be so rigid.

Kind regards,

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