On Mon, 31 Aug 2015, Tobias Hunger wrote:

> And yes, any init system that needs hacks like the one tilt! is doing
> for his display manager is a lesser one.

so also busybox then, are they lesser userland utilities ?

and uclibc or mulib, are they lesser libc implementations?

how about Hurd or *BSD, are they lesser kernels?

is there somewhere a linear comparison chart of what is better and what
is lesser in *NIX? I imagine it could be maintained by systemd
developers, since anyone else is a lesser hacker anyway.

sarcasm aside, if there is one project that can say what is better code
IMHO is the GNU project and our vision is not about quality being
directly proportional to the quantities of features a system provides.
Quality depends from many factors: documentation, flexibility,
interoperability and design choices as language and code architecture,
last but not least the purpose for the software being written...

back to the hack you mention, I'm not sure anyone here is looking
forward to judge each other hacks, but the way your conversation went
with tilt! says a lot about other relational problems we may not want to
debate here and that I perceive as affecting many systemd hooligans.


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