Hi folks, 

I recently got one of those new raspberry pi zero. The little thing
should have exactly the same hw of the first version of rpi. Hence, I
thought I could have migrated it swiftly from raspbian (jessie) to
devuan, and I was eager to post my report here.

Unfortunately, my enthusiasm left room to frustration. To cut a long
story short, apt-get dist-upgrade fails on unpacking bash_4.3, and in
particular it seems that the pre-installation script is bein killed
with SIGILL (Illegal Instruction). This seems to suggest that there
might be something wrong in how the devuan armhf packages are
compiled, or just an incompatibility due to rpi-zero. However, the
"normal" raspbian jessie runs smoothly (apart from the fact that,
notwistanding systemd, the boot still requires more than 90
seconds...), hence it should be possible to have the correspoinding
devuan packages working...

Any ideas? I also thought at some point that I could have
dist-upgraded directly from (debian) jessie to (devuan) ascii, but has
any of you tried this before? 



[ Enzo Nicosia aka KatolaZ --- GLUG Catania -- Freaknet Medialab ]
[ me [at] katolaz.homeunix.net -- http://katolaz.homeunix.net -- ]
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