On 07/03/16 16:22, David Kuehling wrote:
> Hi,
> just noticed that in Devuan after doing "Suspend" from the XFCE menu
> bar, my primary network interface is reconfigured with a new IP-Address
> retrieved via DHCP.  DHCP server logs confirm that.
> However, I have *not* configured any interface to use DHCP!  All my
> interfaces use "static" primitives in /etc/network/interfaces, and
> running '/etc/init.d/networking restart' actually reverts interface
> settings to my static IP address.  Any idea what is happening here?  The
> system is not running networkmanager, and I'm a little clueless which
> kind of scripts may be interfering during suspend&resume.
something else is running dhclient or similar then...

Do you have wicd installed?

Daniel Reurich
Centurion Computer Technology (2005) Ltd.
021 797 722

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