On Tue, 03 May 2016, Rob Owens wrote:

> ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "KatolaZ" <kato...@freaknet.org>
> > But do we really need all that complication? Couldn't we just leave
> > the initscript of each init system in a different directory and *tell
> > the init system* where they are to be found? This will allow a much
> > easier coexistence of different confs.
> > 
> > Basically, everything related to sysvinit, stays in /etc/init.d, and
> > sysvinit knows it has to look there. OpenRC stuff stays in
> > /etc/openrc, and openrc knows it has to look there for its scripts.
> > WFTinit stuff will stay in /etc/wtf, and WTFInit knows it has to look
> > there for its stuff. We add the next-init-system, it will have its
> > scripts in /etc/<the-next-init-system-damn-name>.
> I agree with putting each init in its own directory, but sysvinit
> should not own /etc/init.d.  sysvinit stuff should go in /etc/sysvinit
> and by default /etc/init.d should be a link to /etc/sysvinit/init.d.
> The reason is that other init systems may expect to own /etc/init.d. 
> For instance, openrc puts all its scripts in /etc/init.d (at least on 
> Funtoo it does).
> Even though sysvinit is our default init system these days, we should
> not design Devuan such that it is difficult to change that in the
> future.  So put sysvinit stuff in its own directory just like all the
> other inits.

This is unnecessary. In OpenRC you can easily specify $SYSCONFDIR and
set it to /etc/openrc. Then all will be found inside, and the system
will already know what to do, without symlinking.

~ parazyd
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