On Wed, May 18, 2016 at 02:13:31PM -1000, Joel Roth wrote:
> Hi,
> Having handled many of the issues relating to init system
> to the point of being able to release Devuan jessie beta,
> I wonder if Devuan community is ready to support action on
> other scourges of the linux on personal computer ecosystem.
> I am thinking specifically of three key mapping bugaboos:

I agree that any of us has his/her own personal preferences about the
kind of configuration we would like to find when we install a new
distro. The problem is that if Devuan is amining at a wide public, we
should not make decisions which might automatically exclude part of
that public, or refrain them from giving Devuan at least a try.

In other words, I would warmly suggest to avoid "uncommon" settings
(like mapping CAPS-LOCK to CTRL...) in favour of letting potential
users try and use Devuan with minimal surprise. This is much more
important than providing good speed-ups for a particular niche or
subgroup of users.

An experienced Debian/Devuan user is able to customise a new Devuan
installation without problems. And most of us have been upgrading the
same machine over and over the years, without ever going through a
fresh install. I think the laptop I am using at the moment started as
a Lenny-stable, and went through Squeeze, Wheezy, Jessie and now to
Devuan Jessie, just by dist-upgrading. We don't need Devuan to provide
our preferred sets of presets as a default for everybody, after all.




[ Enzo Nicosia aka KatolaZ --- GLUG Catania -- Freaknet Medialab ]
[ me [at] katolaz.homeunix.net -- http://katolaz.homeunix.net -- ]
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