I have managed to compile and package the 4.4.11 kernel following Katolaz
instructions (thank you!).
It took ages to compile....and I knew I would forgot to create a initrd for
it: kernel panic at first boot!

And yet today I saw...

  apt-get -t jessie-backports install linux-image-4.5.0...

New kernel in 1 minute....batteries included (thank you fsr).
...my bad I didn't investigate more the backports options... looking at the
bright side, though, now I learned the task.

Nouveau driver is now working, but they are buggy (some characters missing
from panel and windows titles in XFCE) and when I start steam X freezes so
badly that I have to ssh reboot it.

On a laptop with an older nvidia card and fresh installation steam worked
flawlessly on nouveau driver....
On the same laptop I tried also the latest KubuntuD and it sucked all the
way obliging to install nvidia proprietary driver for steam to work....

Just an update on my mouse wheel running....
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