There was a time when this sort of nonsense was heavily frowned upon. i suspect 
what has happened is that the user base has changed. it's difficult to learn 
the ropes from the cli so GUI allows the novice to do things quickly because 
the only skill needed is point-and-grunt. many people using Linux now are not 
the same type of people in your local LUG 10 years ago and i think this is 
being reflected in the way we see disastrous being developed now. 
devuan seems to be the one of the few distributions making any sense anymore. 

don't need Kali. most network problems can be resolved with the basics anyway: 
arping,  arp, tcpdump, nslookup, traceroute, netcat, and iptraf. thankfully all 
standard tools.

On July 11, 2016 7:49:45 PM CDT, Simon Walter <> wrote:

::Oddly enough, I gave Kali a go yesterday. I haven't used it since it
::Backtrack and was surprised to see everything all GNOMEd up and juicy 

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