To expand a bit on what I wrote earlier - now it's finally condensed into 
something resembling a coherent thought.

Suppose, with SystemD running they decided to break normal syslog calls. Ie, 
they made it so that a program could not call syslog, but instead had to use a 
SystemD call. Given the way they are prepared to ride roughshod over anything 
that's in the way, it's not inconceivable that they'd try.
As a developer, you now have to sprinkle your code (or add a routine) to wrap 
every logging call with a "if systemd then ... else syslog" block. Devs might 
start moaning a bit about that, so then the next logical step is to add to 
libsystemd all the code needed to be able to log on non-systemd systems - so an 
application only needs to use the systemd logging call. It might start off as 
just a simple "if systemd then ... else syslog" routine, but then they can 
change it to just incorporate the logging from systemd altogether.
So now there's a bit of systemd, the much reviled logging system, that's now 
infiltrated the system.

OK, it's a bit made up, and I don't think even Poettering cold get away with 
deprecating the existing syslog call - force EVERY binary to change to not use 
syslog ? But it's an example of the process I could see them being happy to use 
to infiltrate their code onto systems, only "to be helpful" of course. I'm sure 
others could come up with more likely functions they might have a go at.

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