On Thu, 1 Sep 2016 08:22:09 -1000, Joel wrote in message 

> Arnt Karlsen wrote:
> > ..to the Tor people: systemd made its way into Debian on banana
> > republic politics, not on tech merit.  Devuan tries to become a
> > non-systemd fork, and not a death trap to the next Ed Snowdon.
> > 
> > ..since I didn't subscribe to your mail lists, I'm totally fine 
> > with you guys rejecting my post there, just kick libsystemd0 off 
> > any Tor packages until Edward Snowdon tells me in person here in 
> > Norway, he is the man behind SystemD.
> According to wikipedia, the Tor Project is seeking to become
> more user friendly. Does that mean systemd?

..my _guess_ is systemd is a way to subvert Tor et al by taking 
over userspace and isolating it from kernelspace.  I also guess
it is still in development, and I spent an ignorant coupla years
with systemd before finding out not only I, bot also people like
Theodore Tso had problems we could not solve without giving up 
on system security.

..initially it was touted as a new and better init than sysvinit 
(which does suck but remains workable) and has since swallowed
networking, ntp, disk etc hardware control, effectively denying
me access to e.g. my keyboard when a web browser hangs itself.

..the _only_ merit I can see in systemd is if it is meant as a 
back-up to Tor to keep our next few thousand Ed Snowdons, safe.

>       In December 2015, The Tor Project announced that it had
>       hired Shari Steele as its new executive director.[37] Steele
>       had previously led the Electronic Frontier Foundation for 15
>       years, and in 2004 spearheaded EFF's decision to fund Tor's
>       early development. One of her key stated aims is to make Tor
>       more user-friendly in order to bring wider access to
>       anonymous web browsing.[38]
>       In July 2016 the complete board of the Tor Project resigned,
>       and announced a new board, made up of Matt Blaze, Cindy
>       Cohn, Gabriella Coleman, Linus Nordberg, Megan Price and
>       Bruce Schneier.
> I recognize some of these names as greats in security
> and cryptography. 

..are these people who believe in Benjamin Franklin's wisdom on 
essential Liberty, temporary Safety, and on Deserving Neither?

..med vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt Karlsen
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
  Scenarios always come in sets of three: 
  best case, worst case, and just in case.
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