gnome 3 is crap, need I say more?

On 07/11/2017 07:39 AM, Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult wrote:
> On 10.07.2017 23:10, Steve Litt wrote:
>> Remember, we're fighting a huge and well funded opponent, possessing
>> the money to throw at programmers to keep the systemd mess running, as
>> well as money for publicity to counter common sense with neverending
>> bulldroppings. Seen in that context, what we've accomplished is a
>> miracle.
> We don't need to fight anything. Just concentrate on the stuff *we*
> need (seriously, does anybobdy here need gnome3 ?) and patch out the
> crap when neccessary.
> And just not caring about that lennartware crap at all. Not even wasting
> time w/ debates about that crap, over and over again. (and yes: that's
> really annying me)
> Why do you waste your precious lifetime w/ lennartware at all ?
> --mtx
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