On 28/08/17 01:03, Steve Litt wrote:
On Sat, 26 Aug 2017 06:51:24 +0100
Dave Turner <dave_t_tur...@barradas.free-online.co.uk> wrote:

I have a working devuan ascii with no systemd no dbus no udev and no
pulseaudio on my old iMac. (no X11 either, but we'll come to that)
Very nice!

I installed eudev
Did you install eudev simply by apt-get install udev? Were there any
other steps?

and then I deleted /etc/init.d/udev and rebooted.
This means that udev won't run on boot. Did /etc/init.d/eudev exist, or
did you just not have a daemon?


For sound I installed flac, alsa-utils, and the ncurses media player
moc. alsa-utils includes alsa-mixer and that let me un-mute the
sound. And it works! I think the docs on alsa and sound on linux have
become divorced from reality overĀ  the years, I know how to read and
follow instructions, I should have been able to do this years ago. I
had to do it by trial and error!
Dave, a cool move on your part would be to document exactly how you did
the setup described in the preceding paragraph. Until Devuan gets their
documentation act together, I'd suggest publishing your documentation
on a website controlled by you, so that it's permanent. A whole heck of
a lot of people want to have a simple, no-nonsense sound setup like you
describe. I'm one of them.

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I have written up most of what I have done. I was thinking that dev1galaxy.org was the best place to put it.

The web-browser on my iMac is dillo which is fast and light and nice to use for many things - and utterly useless for other things so Palemoon will be the next install, followed by VLC so I can watch DVDs again. I fully expect my system will get polluted by systemd and probably pulseaudio too, we'll see!


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